What’s the address for the new location? Can it be accessed by public transportation?
1300 North Central Ave. We are right off the light rail stop at McDowell and Central.

How much will the new building cost?
It will cost $2.3 million for the building and approximately $600,000 to build out the inside.

Why this building? Can’t we find something less expensive?
Our options in the city’s center are very limited, especially when it comes to having a place with parking. We could leave Central Phoenix and find places less expensive but part of New City’s calling to serve those who work, study and play in the heart of Phoenix. We are excited for this location because we will be surrounded by a park, the library, offices, neighborhoods and universities. Further, our real estate experts have confirmed that this is a very strong financial investment, on top of the obvious ministry benefits.

How are we paying for it? Isn’t debt bad?
We will be financing what we don’t pay for up front through the Solomon Foundation, a Christian lending institution that works with churches like ours. While we’d love to pay cash, in reality if we signed a long term lease on a property, we’d be under a monthly financial debt obligation. Further, our monthly mortgage would be cheaper than rent on a building like this and purchasing it allows us to gain equity each month. Our leadership and finacial experts all agree that this purchase is financially responsible for our church at this state in our development.

When will we move in?
Our first service in the new building will be on Sunday, February 8, 2015.

Are we keeping the New City Studio at 2nd Avenue?
Yes! The plan is to keep the building where we currently office and operate the New City Studio.

When does the $100k in 30 Days campaign end?
Sunday, March 16th – hope you will join us!

How can I give to support the costs?
There are three options to give.

  1. You can give online by card or by direct deposit (you can set-up monthly automatic payments too!)
  2. You can give your donation at New City on Sundays
  3. You can mail a check to P.O. Box 2293, Phoenix, AZ 85003

Still have questions?
Email us at or call us at 602.908.5539.