Just wanted to update everyone again on the facility quest…

Yesterday  (6/07/12) morning we submitted what is very near our final offer on the building we are hoping to lease.  We put it in God’s hands and know that if it is His will, He will get us in that building.  Yesterday afternoon the owner contacted the agent who has helped us put this deal together.  Our agent “just happened to be” going to LA today and asked if he could just meet with the owner.  Our agent then contacted me and we both agreed it would be great for me to be there. So, since the flight is so short and still rather inexpensive on a day’s notice, I booked a flight to LA and am heading there today.  It is a fact that deals get done much more quickly and clearly in face-to-face meetings. ( It seems no amount of technology has replaced that yet.) We have no guarantees on a building, but I know that regardless of what happens with this spot, God’s work will not slow down.  And, as long as we cling to Him, He’ll keep us in the game.  Fun times ahead…no doubt.

For today, our meeting is over the lunch hour in LA and we’d greatly appreciate your prayers!  Please pray for favor, wisdom, discernment.

Love you all and update you on Sunday, Lord willing.

Serving with you,
