Hello New City,
If you missed our Sunday celebration services on December 1st, below is a video that I hope you’ll take 3 minutes to watch.  It speaks to the vision behind FlourishPhoenix and what we are praying for this year!   Also, with the end of year upon us I wanted to take a second to update everyone on the year’s finances.  By God’s grace, it has been a year of growth for New City in every way: attendance, baptisms, staff, ministries and giving.  We’ve been blessed and we endeavor to honor God by being great stewards of what He trusts us with.
The graph below gives you a snap shot of the church’s finances for the first three quarters of this year.  I’m so pleased when I see what God has allowed us to do…being financially stable in less than 3 years is tremendous. We rely on no outside support; local giving supports all of our ministry and actually pours into others! You can see we have spent just as much on ministry outside of New City as we have inside of it.  Also, you’ll see operations costs are less than 30% and this is tremendous for a church.
Finally, I’m very encouraged that our salary and benefit expenses are at a level that I know honors our people and our Lord. As we continue to grow, this percentage will likely drop to around 35% but I can tell you in all confidence and honesty that these numbers reflect a healthy church and one with integrity. Please let us know if you have any questions by calling us (602.908.5539) or sending us an email to hi@newcityphx.com.
It is my hope that we see our financial stability continue to grow as our needs for pastoral staff and our desire to do more in our community will take more resources.


All for Jesus,
