New City Fast – 2016

In Matthew 6 Jesus instructs His disciples in three critical spiritual disciplines. He gives direction for praying, giving and fasting. Each time He says “when you give…” “when you pray…” and…

Why We Should Confront Sin

IN MANY of the conversations I’ve had recently about today’s toughest issues, I’m hearing more and more pastors talk about how we “just need to love people.”  This response is given…

Fast 2015 – New City

In Matthew 6 Jesus instructs His disciples in three critical spiritual disciplines. He gives direction for praying, giving and fasting. Each time He says “when you give…” “when you pray…” and…

The Kingdom of God

Jesus talked about one subject more than any other: The Kingdom of God. Also referred to as “The Kingdom of Heaven,” this kingdom is dramatically different than the earthly kingdom…

Fast 2013 – New City Church Phoenix

In Matthew 6 Jesus instructs His disciples in three critical spiritual disciplines. He gives direction for praying, giving and fasting. Each time He says “when you give…” “when you pray…”…

Nehemiah – My Lord and My God

Main Idea: When the people began to learn of what their God had done for them and how He was to be worshipped and obeyed, they knew they had to…

Finish the Race! – A Study of Nehemiah 6

Finishing What We Start.   Nehemiah was almost done! Two months of grueling work, fighting opposition at every turn yet the wall was almost done, and his enemies knew it.  So,…

The Reality of Evil – A Study of Nehemiah 5

The Main Idea:  Nehemiah faces opposition throughout the building of the wall, largely presented through two men, Sanballat and Tobiah.  Certainly opposition comes from flesh and blood “enemies” but the…

Thoughts on Halloween

Often people will ask a pastor, “Do you celebrate or participate in Halloween?” For some Christians, the thought of doing so is nearly blasphemy!  ”Participate in demonic activity?” they ask….