A lot gets said in our culture about the topic of sex and sexuality. Whether directly or indirectly society preaches its own religion about sexual expression and freedom. Commonly the Bible is viewed as a book that teaches against sex or certainly limits the joys and excitement of it.  So, what’s the truth about sexual liberty? Join New City Church beginning September 8th for an open, honest and thorough discussion.


Our Series Art was conceptualized and illustrated by  Kelsey Dake.  Kelsey is a world-renowed illustrator and a member of New City. Here’s the inspiration behind the art:

“I got the idea from reading C.S. Lewis’s “The Weight of Glory” essay this week. He talks in the essay about how humans have this desire when they see something beautiful in the world, to be a part of it. He also mentions that we observe this beauty through nature, art, and God created acts such as sex and marriage. Lewis reckons that it’s God’s glory that pushes us towards the desire to be part of the beauty. It seemed a perfect little fit to place the word “free” into nature itself because it is something that God created. Roses also seemed like a go-to metaphor, in that sometimes the topic can be tricky, but also beautiful when appreciated in the right way. Anywho, I hope that wasn’t a terribly confusing summation.”

Quite the opposite, Kelsey, it was a beautiful explanation and a beautiful piece of art. Thanks!